Moments with my son

My son has taken serious interest in Solar System lately. He talks about them, reads about them, sings about them; you get the picture! In order to make best use of his time I thought I would involve him in some activity that will not only pacify his curiosity but also keeps him occupied in something creative.

So I brought out the cardboard pizza box I had been saving up for days like these. Made circles of different sizes, cut them up, had him choose the colors and paint them. He also got to paint the canvas. We used some quilling papers to make rings and some sparkles to finish the project.

It took us about 3 hours but both of us had a lovely time doing it. He enjoyed spending some quality time with me. This little project not only taught him patience and diligence but also how to make the best use of the scraps around the house.

So I thought why not share these wonderful moments on the weekly photo challenge because honestly I would rather be doing this anytime any day! So here we go.



My sons little yellow car

I took my son for some toy shopping today. As we were looking around, a pretty yellow car caught his fancy. I showed him plenty of prettier toys but he rejected them all and settled for this one. He held on to it with so much gusto that I couldn’t muster up the courage to say no. So we bought it. 

Little did I realize that, that car makes honking and screeching noise when its tires move. Unfortunately, there is neither a turn off button on it nor volume adjustment. You either have to get rid of the batteries that are underneath the tightly screwed panel or get rid of the car altogether. But neither was an option. Had I realized about the noise sooner, I would have pulled out the batteries but it was too late and I didn’t want to take any drastic steps before bedtime, as that would only upset him. 

Now, my son is used to going to bed with a toy every night, so he brought this one along tonight. And he usually co-sleeps with me and his little brother. That’s right, you can guess the rest of the story now and the “not so quiet” night that lies ahead of me as I write this. Fun times! (but honestly, anything for him). 

So, the lesson for me today is either to be extra vigilant of the kind of stuff I buy for my kids or be proactive and take smart steps to avoid upsetting situations. 

And here’s hoping for a pleasant night!


Who’s next?

My 3 year old has this habit of spilling water. So my mom thought she would enact slipping and falling down in hopes of teaching him the consequences. 

Mom(on the floor, pretending to be in pain and winking at me at the same time): Who spilled water on the floor? I slid and fell down and I am in pain. Can someone help me! 

Son(extending his hand for help): Here you go granny! 

Then turns to me and grabs my arm and goes: Mommy, its your turn now!
